About Us
Mmabana Arts, Culture and Sport Foundation is established in terms of Mmabana Act No 07 of 2000 as amended, and is a PFMA schedule 3C Public Entity of the Department of Arts, Culture, Sports and Recreation in the North West Province.

The Mmabana Arts, Culture and Sport Foundation commits itself to the development, fostering, enhancement and promotion of the total spectrum of the Arts, Artistic Sport and supporting skills, expertise, technology and excellence in the North West Province and South Africa by:
To be a professional Arts, Culture and Sport organization standing on these pillars: art Education, development, and training, performing and creating as well as identifying talent.
To encourage all stakeholders, including all authorities and communities in the maintenance and further development of an arts and artistic sport infrastructure and where possible utilizing existing venues in all other regions of the Province.
To develop itself as an art, culture and artistic sport body, in line with the Provincial, National and Cultural Policy.
To be resource-sharing organisation committed to the creation of enlistment of the residents of the North West Province.
To be a multi-disciplined organisation presenting multi-faceted art and artistic sport forms, programmes and services to the communities in all the regions of the North West Province.

To lead in the development, industrialisation, performance and teaching of arts, culture and artistic sport to the people of the North West Province and South Africa.